Where better ideas live.

Create an environment in which employees feel motivated to offer their best ideas and work together to improve their business outcomes.

Features of Idea Management Software

Engage, Empower, and Excel

Engagement at the workplace

Collaboration is about synergy and streamlining the innovation execution. Innovation is about generating new ideas and new solutions to problems. Innovation requires creativity and the ability to think differently. No one does this better than the people that have the best ideas.  

Empower your employees

As a leader, it’s essential to get your team on board with innovation. To get the best from your team means you need to give them the time and the freedom to think outside the box and improve the outcomes. They need to make sure their teams are empowered to break through old habits and social norms. One way to do this is to provide opportunities for team members to take on responsibility for a specific result.

Excel and Growth

 Idea Deployer not only increases the productivity of the team by allowing them to think about their work and reduce operational and innovation costs. This excellent system also strengthens the quality of the ideation pipeline and streamlines the innovation flow, quickly turning the team’s creative ideas into a reality.

People desire autonomy and a sense of purpose. 

They want the process to be transparent and results that are practical. 

Idea Deployer assists you in delivering innovation in a way that promotes long-term engagement.

Get Focused Ideas

Capture ideas from everyone and anytime for a challenge and solve real business problems together.

Real-Time Collaboration

Collaborate with members, capture crowd feedbacks similar to social media, tap the untapped knowledge, and co-create ideas.

Crowd Voting & Rating

Diversity of opinion and let participants vote and rate ideas on a star-based system and enable open innovation.

Anonymous Posting

Empower members who do not feel confident to post their ideas by hiding their identity.

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